Are you Ready to become a part of this prestigious and dedicated group of school business professionals and the business partners who support their school business operations? Join PASBO today and start taking advantage of the benefits of PASBO membership.
LEA Membership Types
Membership pricing is shown below. All LEA employees (and eligible contracted employees) fall under the following member types, as defined by PASBO’s bylaws.
- Active: A person who is: (a) employed by a public or private school entity, or a college or university, located within PA, or full-time employees of designated agencies of PA state government; and (b) engaged in one or more areas of school business management or operations. Active members are voting members.
- Education: A person employed in educational administration or someone who demonstrates a non-commercial interest in school business administration, such as: superintendents, school board members, principals, contracted employees, faculty and students of colleges and universities, education association staff, and those who do not qualify for other types of membership. Education members are non-voting members.
Membership Dues | Membership Tiers |
$400 | Tier 1 (1-3) |
$800 | Tier 2 (4-7) |
$1,600 | Tier 3 (8-11) |
$2,400 | Tier 4 (12-15) |
$3,200 | Tier 5 (16-19) |
$4,000 | Tier 6 (20-23) |
$4,800 | Tier 7 (24-27) |
$5,600 | Tier 8 (28-31) |
$6,400 | Tier 9 (32 and up) |
Other Membership Types
- Emeritus: $45/year – A person who was an Active member at the time of their retirement from full-time school business administration and are not currently providing products or services to schools either individually or with an employer. Emeritus members are voting members.
- Business: $250/year – A person who benefits from commercial activity in the area of school business administration. Business members are non-voting members.
To join PASBO or ask any questions about PASBO membership, please email membership@pasbo.org or call (717) 540-9551, option 4.