Membership FAQ

General LEA Membership Questions

Q: How do I join or renew my membership with PASBO?
A: Each LEA has a designated Membership Manager (MM) who has access in their PASBO account to join/renew members for the year. You will need to contact them to get added to the member list. To find their contact information, login to your PASBO account and select “PASBO Member Portal” on the left tab under “Points of Contact”.
Q: What is the difference between Active and Education members?
A: Active members are (a) employed by a public or private school entity, or a college or university, located within PA, or full-time employees of designated agencies of PA state government; and (b) engaged in one or more areas of school business management or operations. Active members are voting members.

Education members are employed in educational administration or are someone who demonstrates a non-commercial interest in school business administration, such as: superintendents, school board members, principals, contracted employees, faculty and students of colleges and universities, and education association staff. Education members are non-voting members.
Q: What is the membership grace period and when does it end?
A: The grace period allows current members to keep their member benefits past the listed expiration date of June 30. It begins July 1 and ends September 1.
Q: What will happen to my membership if I change employers?
A: Your membership is tied to your LEA, so if you leave, your membership benefits will end. To resume your member status, you must contact the MM at you new LEA to get added to their member list.

LEA Membership Manager (MM) Questions

Q: How do I access my LEAs yearly membership renewal?
A:  Go to, login, and select “PASBO Member Portal” on the left tab under “Points of Contact”.
Q: How do I add, remove, and edit my list of members?
A: Once in the PASBO Member Portal:

  • To add a member, select “Add Member” at the top right to search by last name to see if they have an existing account.
  • To remove a member, select “Remove Member” and then type “CONFIRM” when prompted.
  • To edit a member or change their member type, select “Edit Member” and update their information.

Q: How do I make changes throughout the year?
A: Changes can be made in the PASBO Member Portal, where you processed your LEAs initial renewal. Changes that can be made include adding/removing a member, editing a member, and going up to a higher membership dues tier.
Q: Can I add more members later if I want to buy up to a higher tier?
A:  Yes, you can do this is the PASBO Member Portal.  Dues calculate based on the number of members that are entered. Payment can be made in the portal via credit card or you can print an invoice to pay with a check.

Other Membership Type Questions

Q: How do I become an emeritus member?
A: Emeritus membership is available to members who have been an active member at the time of retirement and shall not be currently providing products or services to schools either individually or with an employer. Please contact Steph ( for help to become an emeritus member.
Q: How do I add, remove or edit contacts under my business membership?
A: You can make these changes through the primary contact’s account.  Login and select “My Associates” on the left.  You can “Add a Rep”, “Review/Modify a Contact”, or remove the contact by selecting their name from the dropdown and checking the top box to “Delete this Contact”.  Don’t forget to save your changes at the bottom of the page!
Q: How do I join or renew my membership with ASBO International?
A:  ASBO International has a new organizational dues structure.  Individuals or organizations may renew their dues by contacting ASBO International directly. For more information about ASBO International membership, please go to

Do not see your question or need further assistance?  Please contact


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